Update: 2024-07-26  Visitor: 0000659088

International Innovation and R&D Collaboration Program


The International Innovation and R&D Collaboration Program promulgated by DoIT has been serving as the platform for bi-lateral and multilateral collaboration between companies in Taiwan and those from the European Commission, Germany, Spain, Israel, the Czech Republic and the UK. Such collaborations specifically target the development of emerging technologies.

Program Outcomes and Effect

● In November 2022, DoIT and Innovate UK (IUK) signed a Memorandum of Understanding to mutually endorse existing national and international programs. The inaugural TW-UK Collaborative R&D Call in 2023 successfully attracted 24 qualified applications, setting a record for the highest number. The new joint call for proposals will open in April 2024, ensuring continued opportunities for R&D collaboration and partnership.

● In September 2023, DoIT and the EUREKA Network signed the Declaration of Intent on Call for Proposal to cooperate with the funding agencies from the Netherlands, Austria, Finland, Sweden and Canada to pursue the R&D collaboration on High Tech and Sustainability related technologies. Using the joint-call for proposals mechanism under the EUREKA’s GlobalStars initiative, It has been launched on EUREKA website.

International Innovation and R&D Collaboration Program
The program aims to support the activities connecting Taiwanese companies with international partners to jointly create innovative technologies. The program may subsidize up to 50% of the total R&D budget invested by Taiwanese partners. 

Tel: +886-3-591-7607
Email: yuwentseng@itri.org.tw
Last update: 2024-02-22

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