Update: 2024-07-26  Visitor: 0000659097

A+ Industrial Innovative R&D Program


Industrial Technology Foresight Research Program

The aim is to guide businesses to conduct challenging, forward-looking research programs, and in the next 3 years meet market demands for technologies, products, and services, helping Taiwan become an influential key player in original products, services, and advanced manufacturing.


Global Innovation Partnership Initiatives Program

This program follows the government’s industrial policy, studies what is lacking or required technologically in key industries, and then invites foreign enterprises that are mutually complimentary to local ones to engage in innovation and R&D in Taiwan. Through this type of cooperation, the program aims to improve Taiwan’s industrial ecosystem and encourage international cooperation in innovation as well as R&D. The results of these efforts will eventually benefit areas that add value at a deeper level, such as startups and production, creating a win-win situation for both foreign and domestic enterprises.


A+ Startup Technology Enhancement Program (A+STEP)

By using the fundraising process familiar to startups, this program guides venture capital companies established by research institutions to conduct professional investment evaluations, and determines funding recipients through a commercial mechanism. Through this program, it promotes venture capital companies and startups receiving funding to engage in cutting-edge technology development, and accelerates the commercialization of applications with the support of venture capital companies.


Special Programs

* International Innovation and R&D Collaboration Program

This program encourages local businesses to adopt a global view in establishing international strategic innovation partnerships and participating in international R&D programs. The program aims to strengthen the R&D capacity and core competencies of various industries by leveraging international R&D collaborations to globalize technology R&D. It is expected to drive the development of the entire industrial chain, create added value, and expand the industry’s international market and business opportunities.

* Funding for Participants in EU Research and Innovation Program

This program is designed to encourage enterprises to participate in the EU Research and Innovation Program in order to get a firm grasp on the prevailing innovation R&D trend and the demand for key technologies which may help plan for the deployment of intellectual property and enhance enterprises’ core competitiveness, and explore potential business opportunities in the EU market.

* Program for Taiwan-Israel Collaboration on Innovation R&D

This program encourages enterprises to internationalize their R&D undertaking by way of pooling Israel’s innovation savvy with Taiwan’s distinctive manufacturing strength. The program’s mission is to boost R&D capability and core competitiveness across various industries, bring about formation of comprehensive supply chains, expand international market potentials, and augment industrial value creation.

* Program for Taiwan-Spain Collaboration on Innovation R&D

The program encourages Taiwanese and Spanish companies to undertake joint research and development projects of industrial technologies, with the purpose of grasping innovation R&D trend and the demand for key technologies. It may further help companies plan for the deployment of intellectual property, enhance core competitiveness of enterprises and explore potential business opportunities in the EU market.

*  Program for Taiwan-Germany Collaboration on Innovation R&D

The program encourages Taiwanese companies and German SME’s (Small and Medium Enterprises) to undertake joint research and development projects of industrial technologies, with the purpose of grasping innovation R&D trend and the demand for key technologies. It may further help companies plan for the deployment of intellectual property, enhance core competitiveness of enterprises and explore potential business opportunities in the EU market.

*  Program for Taiwan-UK Collaboration on Innovation R&D

The program encourages Taiwanese and UK companies in the field of industrial technology research and development to keep up with the latest technological trends and recognise the need for key technologies. It may further help companies plan for the deployment of intellectual property, increase the competitiveness of their businesses, and explore potential business opportunities in the UK.

*  Program for Taiwan-Czech Republic Collaboration on Innovation R&D

The program encourages Taiwanese and Czech companies, research organizations to undertake joint research and development projects of industrial technologies, with the purpose of grasping innovation R&D trend and the demand for key technologies. It may further help companies plan for the deployment of intellectual property, enhance core competitiveness of enterprises and explore potential business opportunities in the EU market.

* Fast Track Clinical Trial Program

This program encourages businesses with medical research teams to undertake clinical trials for new drugs or medical equipment. Trials are required for review and registration when applying to the authority concerned for approval to sell the product. The goal of the program is to accelerate commercialization of medical R&D results.

* Key Components of E-Intelligent Vehicle Independent R&D Program

This program aims to enter global automotive supply chain, assist key system/component manufacturers that have the potential to transform into Tier1 suppliers of global automakers, build R&D and design capabilities, raise competitiveness, to meet the need of global automakers.


Contact Information
A+ Industrial Innovative R&D Program Office
Last update: 2024-06-18

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