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Ministry of Economic Affairs,R.O.C.

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2022-08-25 16:20
Industrial Development Bureau, Ministry of Economic Affairs

Low Carbon Reform, the Enterprises Cooperate Together to Reduce Carbon Emissions

Hits: 57
Seminar of Carbon Inventory & Carbon footprint
In accordance with the requirements of carbon reduction, extended from the issues of net zero emissions, CBAM (Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism), and green supply chain, the MOEA launches the 'leading' policy to support the industries building up their carbon reduction capability by the initiatives of greenhouse gas inventory/carbon footprint, hotspot analysis, supplier's participation, as well as matching the specialists to import carbon reduction techniques.
'Greenhouse gas inventory', is the first step to achieving zero carbon emission and carbon neutral. The CNFI (Chinese National Federation of Industries) and industry associations have been organizing the 'union of carbon neutral' and by far, 7 enterprises had revealed their willingness to join the carbon neutral mission and help establishing SMEs' capability of carbon management. Meanwhile, the IDB also aims to cooperate with industries by holding training events, opening up carbon inventory website and carbon emissions calculator, filming webinar videos, etc.
12 sessions of the 'seminar of carbon inventory/carbon footprint', both physically and virtually, held to SMEs' and industry associations members in the first quarter of 2022. The information is available on 'industrial energy saving and carbon reduction information web.'
MOEA provided guidance for 29 suppliers of NISSAN to conduct carbon management during 2017-2020, including carbon inventory, target locating, energy saving, performance tracking, etc. The total carbon reduction amount has ultimately reached 10,113t CO2e.
TAISUN's product 'TWIST WATER' received the EPA (Environmental Protection Administration) carbon reduction label in 2020 for its design and manufacturing improvement, with 30g CO2e reduction reached by each bottle, and 20% carbon reduction in all processes.
It is perceived that, by continuously improving domestic SMEs' capability of carbon management and mutual cooperation, the industrial reform to net zero emissions should activate the industries' potential to achieve this global issue.