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Ministry of Economic Affairs,R.O.C.

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2023-11-24 16:09
Bureau of Industrial Parks, Ministry of Economic Affairs

The Bureau of Industrial Parks promotes the University-Research Adoption Program to assist companies in digital and low-carbon transformation.

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The Bureau of Industrial Parks promotes the University-Research Adoption Program to assist companies in digital and low-carbon transformation.
To assist and promote academia-industry collaboration among manufacturers in central industrial parks, the Bureau of Industrial Parks (BIP) of the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) has commissioned the formation of the Taichung Software Park Digital Transformation Service Team by the Academia-Industry Consortium of Taichung Software Park in Taiwan (AiCTSP), which includes technical experts from universities, to support manufacturers in their digital and low-carbon transformation efforts with the "One School, One Industrial Park" academic adoption program. On October 23, 2023, the BIP held the annual culminating event at Hungkuang University, organizing an industry-academia cooperation exchange activity attended by nearly a hundred participants, including representatives from The Manufactures United General Association of Industrial Park of R.O.C (MUGA), various universities and colleges in the central region, high school and vocational school principals, industry-academia managers, and representatives from park businesses.
The BIP Director-General Yang, Po-Keng, stated that with the assistance of universities, AiCTSP, and businesses in the parks in 2023, abundant and diverse industry-academia services were provided to businesses in the parks. These services included in-depth technical counseling, talent training programs, student internship matching, campus visits, and talent matching meetings, as well as assisting in the submission of 10 research proposals to obtain government project resources and subsidies and organizing competitions like the "Digital Innovation Award". The BIP also assisted businesses in parks in establishing talent development classes, resulting in enthusiastic participation from businesses and fruitful outcomes.
In this exchange event, in addition to reporting on the results of industry-academia collaboration in central industrial parks for the current year. The  BIP also invited Ms, Tsai Yi-Ying, the general manager of O'right Corporation, and Mr. Chen Jin-Chu, the general manager of Grape King Bio Ltd., to share their experiences in implementing industry-academia collaboration. The event also included on-site visits for attendees to Hungkuang University's solar photovoltaic level B certification site and unmanned aircraft education training center, showcasing industry-academia collaboration initiatives.
Cheng, Tao-Ming, the chairman of the AiCTSP and the principal of the Chaoyang University of Technolog, emphasized the AiCTSP's role as an industry-academia platform, bringing industry and academia closer through various activities. This enables businesses to interact more diversely and deeply with high schools and universities, facilitating effective industry-academia collaboration. In the future, in line with the organizational restructuring of industrial parks, high schools, vocational schools, and colleges will continue to cooperate with the planning of the BIP to deepen industry-academia collaboration.

Spokesman: Mr. Liu Chi Chuan (Deputy Director General, BIP)
Contact Number: 886-7-3613349, 0911363680
Email: lcc12@bip.gov.tw

Contact Person: Luo, Fong-Ying (Investment Promotion Section of Investment Service Division)
Contact Number: 886-7-361-1212 ext311
Email: luofeng@bip.gov.tw