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The Ministry of Economic Affairs is introducing the world's most advanced ultrafast laser and collaborating with Lithuania to establish the "Ultrafast Laser Technology Research & Innovation Center" in Tainan
Organization: Department of Industrial Technology        Publish Date: 2023-10-27 10:00
Open new window for The "Ultrafast Laser Technology Research & Innovation Center" was inaugurated at the ITRI Southern Region Campus on September 11, 2023.(jpg)
The "Ultrafast Laser Technology Research & Innovation Center" was inaugurated at the Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) on September 11, 2023, at the ITRI Southern Region campus. The event was attended by various dignitaries, including Dr. Chyou-Huey Chiou, Director General of the Ministry of Economic Affairs; Paulius Lukauskas, Representative of the Lithuanian Trade Representative Office; Ching-Hui Chao, Deputy Mayor of Tainan City; Chih-I Wu, Senior Technical Expert at ITRI; Gediminas Raciukaitis, President of the Lithuanian Laser Association; Larry Wei, Chairman of the Taiwan Association of Machinery Industry (TAMI); and Paul Liao, Vice Chairman of the Taiwan Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers' Association (TEEMA).

ITRI collaborated with the Lithuanian Laser Association to introduce the world's highest market share and most advanced Lithuanian femtosecond laser source. This collaboration involved 14 companies from the Lithuanian laser industry jointly setting up the "Ultrafast Laser Technology Research & Innovation Center."

The center offers femtosecond laser sources and optical components from Lithuania. ITRI is responsible for designing, constructing, and integrating femtosecond laser test platforms, including femtosecond laser light modules, components, digital optical paths, as well as promoting co-creation scientific research and testing. It provides one-stop processing and technical services, including verification.

In the future, the center will focus on applications in industries such as optoelectronic semiconductors, medical materials, and communications, aiming to assist Taiwanese equipment manufacturers in seizing opportunities in the "ultrafast" market, which is valued at 3 billion NTD.

Open new window for On-site demonstration of the precise processing of femtosecond laser applications on material surfaces.(jpg)

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