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80 degrees Fahrenheit Thermostatic Microcapsules Ultra-fine Fiber Leather
Organization: Department of Industrial Technology        Publish Date: 2023-11-01 14:45
Open new window for 80 degrees Fahrenheit thermostatic microcapsules leather applications: Armchair,Car Steering Wheel, and Headphone.(png)
TTRI's 80 degrees Fahrenheit Thermostatic Microcapsules Ultra-fine Fiber Leather won R&D 100 Awards in Mechanical/Materials. This innovative material was developed by combining water-based microcapsules technology and solvent-free ultrafine fiber nonwoven technology. This leather has a temperature holding adjustment function, which can maintain the temperature at 80 degrees Fahrenheit (27 degrees Celsius), solving discomfort caused by prolonged wearing of headphones or sitting on leather seats that may cause temperature rise. It is also lightness and breathability, bringing an important breakthrough to the leather industry.

To compare with similar products available in the market, 80 degrees Fahrenheit Thermostatic Microcapsules Ultra-fine Fiber Leather can maintain the regular temperature for the longest period, 40 minutes without sweltering. In addition, the making process is zero VOC, eco-friendly, safe for skin, long fiber base fabric for good breathability.

This material has a wide range of applications potentials for household, automotive and headphone products. Through cooperative development with different manufacturers of different products, TTRI has brought 80 degrees Fahrenheit Thermostatic Ultra-fine Leather into multiple high-end functional leather markets, such as headphones (Merry Electronics Co. Ltd.), bedding furniture (SEDA), and car seats.


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